
Obesity Persuasive Essay

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In recent years obesity has become an epidemic affecting the lives of millions each year. The term obesity is defined as being grossly fat or overweight. Obesity occurs over time when a person eats more calories than they use. Being obese increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, strike, arthritis, and some cancers. Living with obesity can be very painful, stressful, and uncomfortable for a person. More than 35% of U.S adults are obese, nearly three times more than the previous generation. This is not only a problem with adults, as it also affects nearly 32% of children and adolescents, the future of this country. Billions of dollars are spent by the government in obesity related illnesses, yet there is still no major change occurring. This might be due to the fact that the fast food industry makes it easier to get a fulfilling meal at a low price, but what the companies have not been informing the public about is the same thing that is leading to the rise of obesity, bad nutrition. Fast food companies have been very secretive about how healthy or unhealthy the food produced is in recent years but have slowly made an effort to start providing nutritional facts in the restaurants and websites. Although most of the blame can be put on them it is not fair to blame just …show more content…

If people spent more time working out there would be less obese people. It is not that simple though. A gym membership can be very expensive. If the country wants to see a change in the problem that is obesity gyms need to be made easier to access. By balancing what someone eats with enough exercise they can eat as much as they want. The exercise will burn any excess calories that are being consumed, which leads to maintaining a healthy weight. Being healthy allows someone to play with their kids, other family members, and their friends. This can lead to the happiness of a person, which makes others around them happy

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