Obesity Persuasive Speech

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Great post! I like that you chose an objective that is not only important, but I feel may not get enough publicity like it should. It is becoming a huge problem in America and now is starting to affect our children. Obesity is a problem in children that ultimately falls back onto the parents. Society has allowed and produced more technology for these kids to play with instead of going outside to play and stay active. Kids now-a-days would rather sit inside playing video games or playing on their cell phones instead of going outside to play with their friends. Children consume half of their daily calories at school. I agree with you that changes the way we must start thinking and acting about food in our schools. Since this is the case with our children, we must start educating and promoting the school districts and the administrators about the importance of healthy food for our children. Not only is it affecting them on the outside with being overweight, it is destroying them on the inside and eventually it will catch up to them with major health problems later in …show more content…

I completely understand that these schools don’t have an endless amount of money to spend on the expensive healthy food, but if we could educate parents on the importance of packing them healthy food instead of letting them buy food at school, I feel we could make a huge impact. Kids and society today is not the same as it was when I grew up. Most households, both parents work and the adults are doing everything they can to keep their household together. It is the way of the world today and we must change the way we promote healthy living because of this fast pace world. Do you think it would be beneficial to have the government put stricter regulations on school food to assist with this obesity epidemic? I enjoyed your post and I too think that we must include our communities in advocating for