Pay To Play Persuasive Essay

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In an effort to save school money, many schools have espoused a pay-to-play policy. The policy states that student who desire to take part on a school sport team must pay a fee. This new plan has created quite the outrage among students and parents. However, the pay-to-play plan benefits the school, teams, and staff/coaching involved. Schools that adopt this new policy are sure to see a considerable out come. The pay-to-play plan is supportable because is benefits schools, teams/students, and staff. First if all, if student were to play to participate in an athletic team then the school could really benefit. The advantages of having the income of sport teams are substantial. For instance, the school could use the extra income to provide more opportunities for students to succeed, which over all help everyone. Also, club sports require players to pay many fees and provide their own equipment. With all the amazing opportunities and experiences that an athletic team provides, it is only common sense that …show more content…

If participates were required to pay a fee to engage in school sports then it would allow for better equipment, traveling opportunities, and better involvement with the sport. Better equipment could be provided with the money from the pay-to-play plan, with better equipment comes better practice, skills, and more enjoyment. Also, more traveling opportunities could be provided if schools were to take up the pay-to-play policy. The players could go to more tournaments, play more games, and have great time while doing so. Additionally, the earnings from the plan could lead to more opportunities to get involved or have fun. For example, using the money earned form pay-to-play plan the team could have team parties, dinners, or anything else that may be needed. With better equipment, more fun and involvement, and better traveling opportunities comes an overall better