Professional Reflection Essay

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Professional Reflection:

Overall I really liked this lesson. My students enjoyed the carousal activity, because it allowed them to work and participate from different locations throughout the room. One thing I would like to alter about the lesson, would be the use of the Venn diagram during this lesson to compare equations and inequalities. Although I really liked the Venn diagram, I felt the Venn diagram and the carousal activity were too much for one class period. Next year, I would like to split the two activity into two separate days, day one being the Venn diagram brainstorming and group share and day two the carousal activity and group discussion. Overall, I believe the students really seemed to enjoy the activity and learned several new and interesting techniques. I was also impressed by …show more content…

In the Domain I: Planning A1. Specifies learner outcomes in clear, concise objectives, I received Effective Emerging (2). My learning goals were states in my lesson plan, but lacked clarity and precision. I was unfamiliar with the Tech Lesson Plan and the criteria for writing effective goals. In Domain II: Management B2. Manages and/or adjusts allotted time for activities planned, I received Effective Proficient (3). For the majority of the lesson I used effective and consistent pacing to increase learning time and minimize student distractions by setting a timer. The students knew after the five minutes they were to rotate to the next station. However, during the first activity of the lesson, while I was checking bell work and homework, I neglected to give the students a specific time for the activity. Lastly in Domain III: Instruction B4. Demonstrates effective pedagogical skills in facilitating students learning, I received a zero. I included an example in my lesson plan but neglected to implement it during my actual