
Reflection On 'Dave Burgess Teach Like A Pirate'

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This class was definitely a new type of learning experience for me. Throughout the weeks I have learned new things, this semester in this class, as well I have learned to apply many new concepts. All the assignments such as readings and group collaborations have taught many things about becoming a teacher. Through these types of assignments, I can say that I gained a lot more knowledge which has changed the way I think of teaching and the roles of the teachers. This course has opened my eyes to much more, and from it, I have picked up several tools that I can use to be a good effective teacher. One of the books that had the most impact on me about teaching was by Dave Burgess Teach Like a Pirate. It had such an influence on me and it inspired me to become a creative and free spirit …show more content…

I thought it would be something that was easy and less time-consuming. Writing a lesson plan requires a lot of dedication and motivation to create an effective plan. While doing my lesson plan, I realized it consists of many steps and specific processes. I learned that it's important to know how to create anticipation and how to create a hook for their interest. A hook is always a great idea to have to get the attention and interest of the students. The lesson plan and the Burgess’s book helped me discover how to get the attention from your students and get them involved in the activities independently or in group work. With the help of Burgess’s book inspired me to think of creative techniques to incorporate into a lesson plan. I learned that a lesson plan can be done very creative like for example add music or dressing up in costumes to make more engaging for the students. The use of music can be beneficial when it relates to the lesson plan and it can make it fun as well. By using all the new techniques and teaching methods introduced by Dave Burgess will be very beneficial for me in

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