Should College Athletes Be Paid Essay

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College athletes should be paid to play!

Society believes that student athletes in college should receive some type of revenue
From their university for their work. How do you feel about college athletes receiving pay for playing ? is it morally wrong? Well Research proves that college athletics bring in about
6.1 billion yearly in sales. The coaches gets paid and so does the university but where
Is the players cut? As long as you're an athlete you are devoting all of your time to your
Sport and school making it nearly impossible to have a job or social time. Sometimes
Your sport may even interfere with your class schedule.

College athletics is an american culture and a it's huge in the economy . These athletes may be considered as amateurs but we still spend money on these “amateurs” jerseys, games and etc. Most athletes don't go to college for education they go simply to play their sport and make it to the pros. If you have ever taken pay for playing your ruled ineligible
Because it's illegal. Although …show more content…

Their is no reason an athlete should be penalized for receiving a free meal car or gift. “Despite the hours I put in every day, practicing, learning plays, and traveling around the country to play games, and despite the millions of dollars our team generated for UCLA—both in cash and in recruiting students to attend the university—I was always too broke to do much but study, practice, and play,” from former basketball player kareem abdul jabbar. Looking in from former athlete kareem abdul jabbar's point of view reestablishes the case of not having enough funds to do much and enjoy your college experience. Former college football player dan hawkins said “ college athletes work 49 weeks a year. That is longer than any student has to be in class. Being an athlete is a