Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say: Article Analysis

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The writer Matt Richtel in the article ‘Technology Changing How Students Learn, Teachers Say’ outlines the stand of professionals on how technology affects learning. The article is about teachers’ input on issues of technology and education. The writer introduces the article by generalizing a common belief about the negative impact of technology, stating that it interferes with the learner’s ability to persevere. He avoids giving personal opinion. He states that, according to researchers, teachers give subjective views about technology. Researchers hold that the effect of computers, video games and phones on students is a teachers’ opinion and could have a positive impact. The author uses comparison and contrast when describing the theme. He compares the researchers’ views with those of the teachers when he states that teachers are closer to students and spend more time with them. From his findings, researchers agree that however subjective teachers’ opinions may be, they are significant. The writer then brings the reader to attention when he states that studies from two well-rounded organizations were coincidental. He describes the organizations as well rounded to make his implication more credible. The reader then draws logical inferences from the …show more content…

He refers to data collected from surveys to show the advantage of technology. According to research, teachers found technology to be an essential tool, particularly on the internet and search engines (Richtel). He further qualifies this idea by mentioning that teachers acknowledged technology as an essential tool in making students more self-sufficient in research. The writer then contrasts this by saying that, ‘nearly 90 percent of the teachers said that digital technologies were creating an easily distracted generation’. Other sources reveal that learners have improved in subjects such as maths, sciences and reading because of digital