Tesco Mission Statement

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Executive Summary The assignment is about making comparison of two organizations. The two organizations that are to be chosen for this assignment will be compared and contrasted to the basis of their vision and mission statements which are unique statements that businesses have to introduce them to the general public (Business Dictionary, 2015). The second point of comparison and contrast of the companies are the values that these companies claim to have. It is worth mentioning here that the values claimed by certain organizations are not necessarily followed strictly by them (Business Dictionary, 2015). The third point of comparison and contrast between the organizations is the corporate social responsibility of the organizations which is …show more content…

The end results are measureable hence in the form of monetary value, making the statements very measurable. A corporation has a core purpose that is making money (Barry, 2012) and the confession of that element in the statements by BHP Billiton makes them very believable. On the contrary, the mission and vision statement of the Telstra Corporation Limited are not very SMART because the element of ease and learning is involved. The variables like ease of use and the extent of learning are not that easily measureable. Also, since corporations have to put profit making ahead of most other things (Barry, 2012), it is hard to believe that a corporation would work solely for user ease …show more content…

Upon comparison and contrast of the corporate statements, the vision and mission statements, value statements and corporate social responsibility as well as the mentioning of the stakeholders it can be concluded that the BHP Billiton company has made a lot more SMART and believable statements as compared to the Telstra Corporation Limited. The focus of the BHP Billiton is on acquisition of resources like precious metal resources and natural gas, coal etc reserves. The focus is also on the maximization of shareholder value which for a profit organization is a very understandable thing. The focus of the Telstra Corporation Limited is on customer satisfaction and ease whereas the corporate social responsibility that they give is nonmonetary in nature and hence vague and not measurable in nature. Their focus is on the ease of usage of technology by individual customers which is a rather hard to measure

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