
Volunteer Marketing Coordinator Application

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While my marketing experience has not been in the workforce as of yet, I have been involved in the field for a few years now. This involvement came directly from my father. As a daughter of a community pastor, I watched my dad plan, market, and execute hundreds of events throughout my life. Always being by his side, not only did I assist in organizing the events but I obtained a leadership role to market them. By the age of sixteen, I was given the title of “Volunteer Marketing Coordinator.” This position was solely a volunteer-level role, but it required much responsibility and offered a substantial amount of learning opportunities in the marketing field. I worked under my father and my responsibilities differed from event to event. Although, …show more content…

This event is probably the largest I work on as a marketing coordinator each year. The general premise of the party is that a team of members from my church, including me, gather thousands of toys and gifts for low-income families in the area, then distribute them to the children and their families during the holiday season. But to make this event a success, I hold much responsibility. Starting in the fall, I must begin to identify different organizations and businesses that would be able to donate to the cause. In this, I aim to market the event to them so that they will donate toys in exchange for positive publicity. Furthermore, the next step after obtaining donations is identifying my audience. Here, I find who is in need of toys, where can I find these people, and how can I reach these people. After identify those variables, I then promote the event through social media as well as through advertising mediums such as the newspaper and radio. Finally, my final step is to follow up with the newspaper, radio, and also donors to not only thank them for their involvement, but show them the results of the party. Through this event, I gain both fulfillment as well as experience. While this opportunity may just be a Christmas party to some, it has not only taught me a lot about marketing but it showed me what I wanted to do as a …show more content…

Introducing my love to identify people’s needs or wants, and psychology behind it, my position exposed to my interest in marketing as a career. Then, by allowing marketing to be an outlet where I could both help and unite my community, I came to the conclusion that I wanted to work in the field for an organization that gives back as well. Next, when the social media aspect was introduced, whether I would be posting about upcoming events or updating the church’s Facebook, I learned I was intrigued by certain aspects of social media. These aspects included how the Internet could be an open forum of some sorts between individuals as well as how immediate the responses could be from your audience. Although, the most interesting aspect to the online sector of marketing was the actual interaction between an organization and their consumers. That conversation, along with the other factors, is a main reasoning behind wanting to work in social media marketing. Finally, my experience in marketing shaped my career path by demonstrating to me that there was a balance between doing business and doing good- and I could do

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