APA Reflective Essay

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“Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty. Anyone who keeps learning stays young.” – Henry Ford. I completely agree with this quote as I believe that learning is a non- stop process. I learned many new things in WRI 101 that had not been taught to me in high school. I had never been taught how to paraphrase and summarize texts, a skill that helped me a lot as a writer. While it was a bit of a struggle for me at the beginning, it gradually became easier. I had also never written a paper with proper APA format and citations, but receiving critiques from my professor definitely helped me in my writing process.
Although it was my first academic paper, the compare/contrast essay was definitely the most satisfying essay I had written. I have always been a great fan of Harry Potter- both the books and the movies. So it was no surprise that I enjoyed writing about my topic, ‘Harry Potter- On the page and on the screen’, and reliving some of my favorite Harry Potter moments. The fact that I also got a good grade for this essay, added to the satisfaction. I had also learned a lot while writing this paper, like how to write a good introduction and thesis statement. I also learned that they are very important to …show more content…

With a topic as broad as ‘Sensational Journalism’, it was difficult to streamline my ideas and not drift away from the topic. This topic was also difficult for me since there is a very thin line between sensationalism and freedom of expression, and I had to be careful not to cross this thin line while justifying my viewpoint. The feedback provided by my professor was very helpful for this essay. The Writing Centre in the library was also very helpful and they were always ready to lend a helping hand. It is always helpful to get a second opinion on your essay, and they were patient enough to go through my essay and make it more refined and

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