
CBU Personal Statement

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As I entered CBU, I believed in Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, but I did not know His will for my life. During my first year at California Baptist University, I continued to struggle to understand what God’s will was for my life and how I could serve Him with the many blessings and talents he had given me. However, I learned the importance of the Great Commission in the Christian faith and the need to actively serve Him. I decided that in whatever I do and with whatever I have been blessed with I must to glorify God. With all I have, I must serve God by living out the Great Commission to go out into all the nations and then disciple, baptize, teach them the teachings of Jesus. Despite knowing what God’s will was for my life, I still did not know how to apply my skills and major to serve God’s will. …show more content…

I was puzzled on how I could apply Software Engineering to address the Great Commission. Over the duration of my second year, the software classes I attended and the seminars I attended provided me with some feedback on how I could use Software Engineering to glorify God. Fortunately, I built great relationships with my professors due to small classroom size and their openness. During one of my professor’s office hours, I asked him on how I could use my major and talents to glorify God. He introduced me to concepts such as tentmaking and the many lives software has saved since its creation. My professor also told me how I can spread the gospel within my work environment. Tentmaking was an amazing concept to me. I could become a tentmaker by working in another country as a software engineer and spreading the gospel. To become prepared to serve God’s will for my life, I sought to learn more about God and how to glorify

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