Diversity Statement Analysis

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One of the many benefits of having a diversity statement within institutions of learning today is the power that it has in bringing people of diverse cultures, ethnicities, socio-economic circumstances, and backgrounds together. Many people today appreciate and value the important role that these statements play in creating equality in education institutions. Learning institutions greatly benefit from the existence of a growing and thriving student community that is inclusive of people from different regions around the world. Therefore, the diversity statement of the Department of Education Leadership, Administration, and Foundations should have statements of value towards ensuring appreciation of different cultures.
The diversity statements by these departments highlight great programs for underrepresented populations in the institution. The department seems to understand that there is poor cultural, ethnic and racial representation among its students, faculty and the department advisory board. Thus, its …show more content…

Firstly, the department states that it will carry out purposeful and intentional recruitment of underrepresented faculty hire in order to diversify the candidate pool. The goal of doing this is to achieve an historical record of hiring a well represented faculty team. Secondly, the department intends to develop a multicultural awareness program that will ensure the faculty, staff and students have the knowledge and skill competence that identifies and appreciates cultural differences.
The diversity statement is also great in that it intends to ensure all department members are committed to achieving the diversity goals. It intends to implement this by basing tenure, annual review evaluations and pay for performance on an individual’s efforts toward acquiring multicultural competencies in teaching and other activities.
Mission Statement of My