
MSUB Personal Statement

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During the summer of 2017, I was able to participate in a summer academy at UC Santa Cruz with MSUB, and I consider myself to be quite fortunate to have had the opportunity because it was a wonderfully unique and life-changing experience for the five weeks that I was there. My time there was not only filled with numerous “firsts” (like seeing the ocean, and subsequently losing my glasses to the ocean), but has also continued to have a positive impact on my life afterwards in helping me to be as prepared as I can be to succeed in college after high school in both college and my planned career. The most notable example of how my time at MSUB has helped me is Phillip Scott’s Calculus class. This MSUB class was particularly important to me because …show more content…

By coming from a low-income, first-generation background and having benefit from programs like MSUB and Upward Bound, I am not only aware of the challenges that students in similar situations face but also what is necessary to overcome them. More specifically, I think one of the largest issues that low-income and first-generation students like myself continue to face is a lack of resources, or uncertainty in understanding what resources to pursue in the first place. This is where TRiO programs are so impactful because they act as a guiding force for students, directing them towards and providing them with the resources that they need the most to be successful. Much like TRiO programs have done for me, I believe I will have the opportunity to advocate at my future college on behalf of students who don’t have access to the necessary supports and I hope that I can share the knowledge that I have gained with my peers and perhaps even younger students in the community. I also got a taste of how I could have an even greater impact by advocating at the federal level when I recently went with my home Upward Bound program to Washington D.C. to express to my representatives the importance of TRiO programs by sharing my story and my success thanks to programs like MSUB and Upward Bound. That experience has shown me that while I can have a positive impact at the local level, I can also work to make positive change for disadvantaged students on a much greater

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