My Leadership Philosophy

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Leadership is defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organization. Being a leader may not be easy, but it is something that all people should strive to be. To be a leader, you must be responsible, confident, firm, kind, decisive, and care about the people who you associate with. Playing golf in high school, I learned discipline, responsibility, and determination. From being a captain of the golf team, I learned patience, trust, confidence, and empathy. The definition of leadership to me is not telling others what to do, but it is leading by example and inspiring others to give their all. Being a part of a golf team, it is just yourself out on the course, but within the team; we depend on each other to give one hundred percent at all times. My junior and senior year, being captain helped me understand what it means to be a leader. Being a captain is leading by example and encouraging your fellow teammates to work hard. By being committed to the team, you show your teammates that you have confidence in them and each of their abilities. You try not to boss them around, but you give guidance when they ask for advice. Times in golf when you show leadership is being focused while warming up for a match, calming the team down when it is time to compete, and encouraging them to …show more content…

When it comes to leadership, you have to risk it all and have a chance for the best outcome. In golf, instead of laying up, you go for the pin to have a chance for success. Instinct is a part of golf and leadership where in that moment you have to follow the feeling in your gut. The feeling or swing can be influenced in a later date, but in that moment, it is what you know. Failure is a part of life, whether it is hitting a golf ball out of bounds, or making the wrong decision in a situation. It is all about how you recover and how you put the past behind

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