The Leadership Of Donald H. Mcgannon

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Donald H. McGannon once said, “Leadership is action, not position.” I believe this quote is very accurate in terms of being a leader in today’s world. In order to be a leader, such as: a president, a captain, a coach, etc., you have to gain the respect of the people you are leading. If you don’t have respect from the group, you won’t remain a leader very long because people, these days, are very powerful and can kick you out in a heartbeat.
For me, leadership has always meant being a figure for others to look up to and respect. I am a leader in my youth group at church, allowing the younger kids to look up to me and therefore giving me respect in order to lead them in a healthy way. I believe that leadership is very important to have in most social settings, because children and young adults can’t learn unless they have something to learn from.
Leadership can also be a part of community service. People consider you a leader if you do community service, because you are helping the less fortunate and they look up to because you are providing for them what they cannot provide for themselves. Over the years, I have been on several mission trips and participated in several community service activities. I love helping others and love being around new …show more content…

In high school, in order to be a leader, it’s more about being popular or well known. It doesn’t have to be that way, but that is currently how it is, therefore I have never had SCA positions or class leader positions. I am a leader in school to the younger classman and to my classmates, but not to the school as a whole. My goal this year is to become more involved with not only the clubs and organizations, but with more students in the senior class and in the underclasses. If I can achieve this goal, I can also achieve a goal of mine to become more of a leader in and out of school and social