Persuasive Essay On Illegal Immigration

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The United States has stumbled upon an estimated 12.5 million undocumented immigrants as of October 23, 2017 . Some of these people may have migrated in hopes to prosper the American dream and others may be terrified from the troubles of their home country. People migrate illegally to America from overstaying their visa or crossing the border from the south. These undocumented immigrants have broken the immigration laws of America and lack the right to be in the country and therefore shouldn’t be able to live in the country; they have caused several problems through bringing economic problems, skipping the legal process that many wait nearly decades, and they commit cruel crimes against humans. The illegal immigrants that have come to America to “prosper” have caused economic/financial problems to the U.S. and the residents within it. Yes, it is a fact that some illegal immigrants do pay taxes that collectively add up to a little over $11 billion dollars yearly. Though this statistic doesn’t take into account the money spent by the government, according to the Federation of American Immigration Reform the national cost on illegal immigration, including the Federal and local costs, is just under …show more content…

Illegal immigrant have a murder rate of 3 to 10 times more than the American citizen as stated by (Michael Snyder, Now according to The Public Policy Institute of California stated that "The incarceration rate for foreign born adults [legal and undocumented] is 297 per 100,000 in the population, compared to 813 per 100,000 for U.S. born adults.” This is understandable but if these people have come to the country illegally and they are causing problems like these, then action should be taken against them. All U.S. citizens are punished for these crimes, but if you can prevent some of these crimes than why don’t we enforce