Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Writing Assignment 2 In today's society, phones play a curial part in our daily lives, some more than others. For the population that can't live without their phone, in their hand, when it comes to driving is where a big epidemic is happening. Almost every demographic is guilty of it, needing to look and respond to a text, Snapchat, Facebook post, Instagram, or a Tweet. With all the distractions we have inside and outside the car these days, adding a phone into the equation only makes it worse. With all the different drivers that are on the road today, especially teenagers, texting while driving is a recipe for disaster. Having a driver's license is a privilege, not a right, with that right brings a mass amount of responsibilities, that over time turn into good driving habits. However, with all those good habits, come the bad habits, we all have them: road rage, tailgating, not using turn signals, driving too fast or slow. As adults, some …show more content…

In the ad, she is meeting with the cast from a YouTube channel series called “#summerbreak” (SummerBreakNetwork), which follows eleven teenagers from the Los Angeles area. They’re being interviewed about distracted driving and admitting why they’re guilty of it. After they give their reasons, Jacy walks out from behind a backdrop, sits down and tells her story. Jacy is very blunt with the details and gets straight to the point, not holding anything back. You can tell when she is done, the teenagers’ minds are blown away, and they all have a look of shock and disbelief. Right away you can see a wave of emotions envelope them: empathy, sadness, remorse and guilt for using their phone while driving. It really hits home with them, you can tell that Jacy’s experience has left them speechless and in a state of