Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Texting and driving

Everyday on my way to school, I drive past Shenandoah park. Everyday I watch teenagers, adults, and children at the park with their dogs. Man's best friend: perhaps the most loving and loyal creatures to walk to planet. According to a Gallup poll, 44% of Americans own dogs. That's almost half the population. An additional statistic: the Institute for Highway Safety determined that texting while driving results in 11 teenage death per day. What this means is that each and every day, 5 of "man's best friends" just lost their best friend. Your dog will never be able to understand why you never come home after taking your cell phone out on a drive, but if it could then it would probably spend the rest of its life wondering why you decided to risk yours just to send an "on my way" text. When you text and drive, you aren't only taking a chance that your pets and loved ones will …show more content…

That's a serious amount of cash being spent to clean up after some text messages. So what can you, as a teenager, do to stop this epidemic? The first step in solving any problem is awareness. Recognize the threats of texting while driving. If you see a friend texting while driving, warn them of the serious risks they face by doing so. If you know that a friend is driving, don't text them; this only gives them reason to check their phone. If you receive a text while you're out driving, don't read it until you have arrive at your destination. The person you're texting will understand your unwillingness to text and drive. If you happen to have a passenger in the car, chances are high that they would gladly read/respond to the message so you can remain focused on the road. If you simply follow these steps, avoid using your phone, and stay alert while driving, you can do your part in making the roadways safer for everyone. It's guaranteed that parents, siblings, spouses, friends, and dogs everywhere will be