Persuasive Essay On Texting And Driving

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Several groups and organizations have made it clear that texting and driving are a bad combination in our roadways. Promoting public awareness of driving safety is included as part of our civic duties now, and as parents, we must remind our teenagers that they need to stay focused while they are behind the wheel to prevent additional dangers. The true tragedy is the senseless and careless act it causes which is a trauma that lasts forever. Through the extensive growth in the area of the Internet and various technological advances, smartphone users are ever-growing. According to a recent 2013 study by the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Project Life, ninety-one percent (91%) of the adult population owns a cell phone and fifty-six percent (56%) of all American adults are smartphone adopters (Smith). Although texting while driving has raised many eyebrows, it is recommended that if you have to text, the driver should pull over before even reading the text, that way there are no distractions and the driver …show more content…

A proposed Alex Brown Memorial Act is named after a teen was killed in West Texas after he was texting and driving. Talking on a hand-held cell phone device while driving is banned in fourteen (14) states. The use of all cellphones by novice drivers is restricted in 37 states. Text messaging is banned for all drivers in 44 states. There are cell phone ordinances in the State of Texas to include prohibitions in school zones, where all drivers are prohibited from texting and using handheld devices while driving. I, too, agree with banning cell phone usage in certain areas to minimize help drivers stay focused. I have seen motorists driving with their legs as both hands are on their phone, texting. Texas is one of the only six (6) states that do not have a statewide ban on this issue. Violations and infractions could include $1,000 fines or possible jail