Should Student Athletes Be Paid Essay

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It’s been highly debated if student-athletes should be paid for the money they generate for the school, or if covering for their college expenses is just enough. The majority of student-athletes will not generate an abundant amount of money for their schools, although it’s not the same in certain circumstances. For instance, if a student makes more money than all of it’s college expenses and athletic cost then they should have the right to be paid. The NCAA, National Collegiate Athletic Association, gets most of the heat as the source of why student-athletes don’t get paid. Considering, Ricky Barnes, the University of Arizona golfer, played against Tiger Woods and won, but he didn’t receive any compensation. Frank Deford states that “Barnes should have …show more content…

However, it seems like the NCAA does profit on student athletes, so paying their athletes shouldn’t be a problem if the student generates money for them. An in depth encounter is A.J. Green, a wide receiver and the most popular out of his team, gets suspended. Despite this, the college is still selling his merchandise, “thousands of those No. 8 jerseys, which Green what's on Saturdays, have been sold (source 5),” but the twist is “all of the proceeds, according to the official website, benefit Georgia athletics.” Even though, he’s not playing the college are still accumulating the money that’s “commercialized” with his name. The NCAA is profiting under Green’s names, then he should receive some reimbursement. If a student (the most popular player on his team) is desperate enough to sell unauthorized merchandise, then there should be a considerate that athletes do need more than a payment of their college and athlete