Statutory Requirements Quaz 2: Classroom Management Strategies

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Statutory Requirements Quiz
Kerian Allen
University of Bridgeport
September 2014

STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS QUIZ 2 Classroom Management Strategies
After a few years of classroom experience, I have come to realize the challenge that educators at all levels often face is that of classroom management. Classroom management involves the effective use of time in the classroom …show more content…

As an educator, I must first know my responsibilities then carry them out in order to be effective. My main aim is to create an environment were learning is ongoing. It is said that students learn best from modeling; therefore, I have to ensure the behaviors and skills I expect the students to learn is being modeled. This must be done through collaboration with colleagues and administrators their students will gain lifelong lessons. Here my profession conduct will help


me in achieving my goal. I must also keep in mind the nature of public trust because, I am a role model for my students; therefore I must always be one the right side of the law.
My goal is to create lifelong learners for the future, in order to do that I must practice professionalism. I will practice ongoing professionalism in order to be effective in my classroom and school