Why Is Animal Testing Wasteful

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Secondly, animal testing is wasteful. It is wasteful as it can be expensive. According to peta.org, around 12 billion dollars is spent on research using animals annually in the USA. That is only just one country and yet so much is spent. Not to mention how time-consuming animal testing is and the results don't guarantee that it will benefit humans as well. This shows how wasteful animal testing can be as it wastes the money of citizens and the government when there are options. As mentioned before, there are alternatives that are known to be cheaper than animal testing and can still maintain the effective results that scientists want. A study was conducted by the Humane Society International as they compared animal testing costs to costs of …show more content…

This is a major reason for why animal testing isn’t necessary as many don’t want to harm animals. According to the Canadian Council on Animal Care, 4,308,921 animals were used in research in 2016 and in the US, around 800,000 animals were used for research in 2016. As one would be able to see, both countries have used a lot of animals in this year. It’s these animals that have to live in harsh conditions while being tested on. According to the Humane Society International, it is said that during these tests animals are force-fed, forced to inhale substances and are put in uncomfortable positions or are living in cruel living conditions. It was reported in 2016 that around 71, 370 animals in the US have died suffering from the pain as they had to go through experiments with no anesthesia. That means, they were able to feel all the pain and didn’t have any relief. This idea that animals are harmed in this process prove how inhumane animal testing is as animals have to suffer and sometimes, testing on them is no point as whatever drug or chemical that was effective on them, won’t be effective on humans. It is sad to think about the fact that hundreds of thousands of animals have lost their lives after living in harsh living conditions all for nothing as the drug or chemical didn’t work on them or did work on them but won’t work on humans. This shows how inhumane and cruel animal testing is. Another reason to why animal testing is inhumane and cruel is because not all animals are protected from mistreatment. Sure, one might think that since so many animals are being used for research every year, there has to be a type of law that protects them. There is a law in the US, known as the Animal Welfare Act that is supposed to protect animals from getting mistreated and are living in stable living conditions. However, 95% of animals aren’t covered under the Animal Welfare Act including rats, mice, fish,