Writing 102 Reflection Paper

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Writing 102 has taught me 6 important outcomes to know while writing. These six key factors are subject matter knowledge, rhetorical knowledge, writing process knowledge, meta cognition, genre knowledge, and discourse community knowledge. Subject matter knowledge and rhetorical knowledge involve understand identifying and defining important concepts and being able to take that information to get your point across to the audience. Another important aspect while writing is writing process knowledge and meta cognition undergoing the steps it takes to write a good academic paper which includes critiquing yourself in your own writing. I learned it is important to be aware of genre knowledge and discourse community knowledge, being able to identifying …show more content…

A benefit of subject matter knowledge is being able to define rhetorical situations, genre, summary, thesis statement, topic sentence, and the audience are just a few. Rhetorical knowledge is being able to write and direct your writing to your audience. In writing 102 we used subject matter knowledge and rhetorical knowledge during our presentations on our reading in the textbook. We had to show our understanding of the reading by presenting it to the class. During the presentation we had to direct it to our class who are people that have already read the chapter. I did my presentation in the beginning of the semester. After learning about subject matter knowledge and rhetorical knowledge I would make changes to my presentation. I presented chapters 4 and 5 in the textbook They Say, I Say. I would go into more detail about the chapter because I now understand that my audience already knows about the content I am talking about, so I should go into more detail and add something to the information instead of just giving a brief overview agreeing and disagreeing with writing. I would add more examples to my presentation, so my audience could see how agreeing and disagreeing with an argument could be used in their writing. Understanding Subject matter knowledge and rhetorical knowledge has made me a better …show more content…

Genre knowledge is knowing different genres and being able to write in a particular genre. Understanding that every genre has different set of rules/expectations. Discourse community knowledge is grouping together common "language" with a shared goal. Different genres can be broken up into discourse communities. Our writing 102 class is its own discourse community and in this class our work was also broken up into different discourse communities. We wrote papers on different genres: position paper, textual analysis, informational report, and response essay. In my first draft of my informational report I had my own views and made an argument. I learned that in an informational report you should not put any of your views just state facts and not add an argument. Understanding genres and discourse communities is vital when writing