My Teaching Philosophy Statement

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A great educator takes the time to build valuable relationships with each member of her class and builds confidence, mutual respect, and trust in her classroom.

When thinking about my role as a teacher in the classroom the most crucial part to a successful classroom is the relationships I will build with my students. I want the class to trust me and their peers enough to have conversations about what is important to them. I would like my students to clearly articulate their own thoughts and feelings. In an art classroom setting, I also would like the classroom to have a light and airy feel, where any student can feel free to trust me with any information they need to share with me. A classroom community is built on mutual …show more content…

I find myself very passionate about teaching middle and high school students. Junior high is a vital part of a students development and I want to be more than an art teacher to my students. I would like to be a positive role model to my students in hopes that one day they will look up to me as I do many of my middle and high school teachers. I want to allow my students to have expressive voices, during a period of development where expressing feelings is vital. I will also allow my students to use the resources in the classroom wisely, meaning provided laptops, ipads, phones, etc. we have to adapt to the growing technology and adapt to how this new generation learns.

A skillful educator understands the importance of building a community among her fellow peers in the school.

One thing we learned a lot this semester is how to include all types of learning for all students. I believe that in order to be a great educator you need to collaborate among classes to create cross-disciplinary lessons to reach all kinds of students. Also, a bond between teachers in the school improves the way that educators teach.

Her classroom is a safe place for all