Persuasive Essay On Year Round School

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There are many different debates about whether summer vacations are more beneficial or whether year-round education would be best for students across America. Every single child is different and no two kids learn the same; therefore, the one schedule might help one child, but not another. The topic is a matter of personal opinion because there is not one solution that would benefit every single student, teacher, and parent. I believe that year-round education would benefit a greater number of students than having a longer 10-12 week summer vacation.
Year-round school would decrease the amount of information lost over a long break. Many students forget a large portion of what they have learned when they have a long break. I know that I struggle at the beginning of the year to remember all of the information that was crammed into my head during the preceding school year. According to Oxford Learning, the equivalent of one month of overall learning lost during a long summer vacation. This means that by the end of the sixth grade, some students that experience learning loss could be two years behind their peers in a year-round school system. That is an incredible amount of information that would have to be reviewed so that students can build on those skills. …show more content…

Year-round school would eliminate that, letting teachers go more in-depth on topics or cover more topics over a longer period of time. Students would be able to learn more information without forgetting it before the next school year. Some teachers rush to cover the required curriculum standards during the year because of the time spent reviewing last year’s skills. Having smaller breaks throughout the year would certainly lower the number of definitions, equations, and random factoids that would have to be reviewed or relearned during the new school