Reflection On The Adaptive Leadership Style

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. Future-focus: what outcome(s) do you envision for yourself at the end of this academic year? My future-focus and outcomes I envision for myself at the end of the academic year are to expand on the adaptive leadership style. As it states, adaptive leadership is a complex process comprising multiple dimensions, including situational challenges, leader behaviors, and adaptive work. The overriding focus of the process is to engage individuals in doing adaptive work. (Northouse, 2016) pg. 274. 2. Now-focus: What are the results that you are currently getting as a student at the University of Manitoba and in this class? Are you satisfied with the results you are getting? Do you think you are capable of performing better? Please explain. As it stands, I am getting far better results than I could have anticipated taking this class and extremely happy with the results. I never knew there were so many facets of leadership and to my surprise, leaders are not onlyborn or have certain traits, but more importantly, leaders can be taught which is not always front and center. …show more content…

As for myself I could probably, read more leadership books, take more classes or seminars, pinpoint certain skills, behaviors, authenticity and hone in on them. I could also practice more on the traits that I could do better at. I could also listen and attend more lectures. It’s like the old joke goes…what is the biggest room in the world? Answer, room for improvement. 3. What are you currently doing to get the results you are