Animal Testing Essay

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Information Literacy Report – Callum Thoms
I believe that animals should not be used to test Pharmaceuticals or Cosmetics for human use. I believe this because when we test on animals they are often suffering and this is a bad thing. Would you want someone to painfully test on you? Or would you do it for Science!
The view points on this topic are should we? Or should we not test on animals.
The main areas I am going to cover are pharmaceutical testing and Cosmetics testing on animals.
• Do we need to test Pharmaceuticals on animals?
The book ‘Animal Rights’ by Paul Wignall says:
1. ‘Animals need to be treated with respect not for what we can get out of them’.
2. ‘Animal Experiments cause more suffering than the benefits to humans could possible warrant’ (Some animals are even used just to observe the effects …show more content…

‘People believe that animals are people’s property to do with what people wish.’
2. ‘Animals and humans have many biological similarities’
3. ‘Animals help scientists learn about the affects of chemicals on humans
This book contains both perspectives on the topic but is more bias towards testing on animals and has accurate information and has sources for further reading. The book was posted in 2009.
My opinion:
I think that we should not be testing for research on animals. I think that they should be able to be used as long as they are not going to be harmed (i.e., studying them). I do not want animals to be harmed just so that we can be ‘sure’ of what something is going to do to humans because what happens to animals is not always what happens to humans. Testing on animals is unacceptable.

• Do we need to test Cosmetics on animals?
The book ‘Animals Rights’ by Paul Wignall.
1. ‘Animals are used to test soaps, perfumes and many other toiletries.’
2. ‘Foods are tested on animals to check for safe human use.’
3. ‘In some tests performed on rabbits, substances are dripped into their