
Standardized Testing Argumentative Essay

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Students are the future of a country. Scientists, politicians, teachers, engineers, doctors of future are sitting on the desks of primary and high schools. They have long journeys in front of them. They must go a university, and they complete their education successfully. But, there is a big gap they had to jump to accepted by a university in many countries like ours. To accepted by a university, students have to successful in standardized exams like YGS and LYS. I don’t know these standardized tests are the best solution to electing students, but many people believe that these tests have harmful effects on education. These tests affect children in many ways like raising the pressure on children in early ages. Also, teachers and schools are affected by these tests. By the result of these effects, teachers encouraged students to memorize instead of learning. Standardized tests are major problems on education because these tests are increase the pressure on students and force the students to memorize everything instead of learning …show more content…

They had to choose correct answers in a very short time to obtain the right to choose a university and a future. Of course, this situation cause effects on psychology of students. According to McNeil (2002) many college students believes that students were tired when they started to college and they wanted to move away schools and lecture for a while. Because of this situation, many students start their academical life with a negative psychology. They got low scores in first year and the rest of their academic life were spending by try to correct these scores. Many of them graduated with lack information and they start to their career

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